
Monday, April 25, 2011

This is what happens...

... when you accidentally turn the burner to LOW instead of OFF and don't notice for about an hour.


  1. Gasp! Oh nooo! Hahah, that has happened to me too many times. I wonder if there are heat-resistant spatulas?

    * Is it weird that I want to eat it? It looks like Marshmallow Fluff.

  2. Yes there are silicone spatulas we have one! And Sophia I kind of thought the same thing and I was also oddly proud of myself. I stood in the kitchen holding the little stub cracking up for like 5 minutes.

  3. Oh no!

    I have melted my share of things also :)

  4. That is the story of my life!

  5. Ahhh, sucks!

    I've never actually managed to melt a spatula, which is probably a miracle!

  6. Rest in peace dear Spatula. You lived a full life.

  7. How sad!!! Poor melted spatula!

    Guess this means a shopping trip for you in the near future for kitchen items!


  8. OOPS!!! Been there, done that! Happens to the best of us Christina! Just don't leave your froggy dish on the burner when it gets there!!! (I admit, I won't get to the post office until tomorrow - they've closed the local one and I'll have to grab the car to get there. No biggie, just means froggy is still in bubble wrap and in a box for an extra day or two - SORRY!!! But fear not, he'll be hopping to you tomorrow)

  9. Yikes!! I've definitely had that happen to me before, exceot i think i didn't even leave it in the pan, i had it on the stove. What a dumbo huh? When i first saw that picture, i definitley thought you put some marshmallow on a stick though. :P heheeheh

    How have you been Christina? how's life in the Chitown?? I hope you guys are getting some good weather soon. I heard it's been a rainy beast so far. :( Hope all is well girl!


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