(pauses dramatically as she clears her throat and starts her best Sham Wow guy impersonation)
You've seen me mention it and use it in the following recipes:
Roasted Cabbage with Sausage
Pasta a la Philly
Skillet Sausage
Grilled Sausage
Italian Skillet
as well as in my pasta sauce and on pizza, along with breakfast.
Biz, Mara, and Michelle have all had a chance to try the sausage after our blogger potluck.
Now you can finally try it too!
My whole family - mom, dad, Michael, and I - worked together for a few days making two batches of four kinds of sausage.
Left for purchase are:
All sausage is $4.50 per pound and is frozen. I am returning home within the next few days and can bring it back for anybody within the Chicagoland area. All others can let me know their zip code so we can figure out a shipping price and my parents can ship with dry ice.
If interested please e-mail me at christina at dinneratchristinas dot com. Chicagoland orders please let me know as soon as possible so I can bring it back for you!
Oh geez, I would so love to order some! We are trying to eat down our freezer though since we have to move soon. Maybe I will catch you on your next batch!
I am emailing you right now! Maybe we could do a meet up lunch or dinner in Schaumburg for Chicagoland bloggers when you get back?
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