Ok, laugh all you want, but this time last year
I had never cut a fresh pineapple before and didn't know how! In fact, I didn't think I was a pineapple fan. I remember the bits in fruit cocktail when I was little "hurt my tongue" so I always avoided it. If I needed it in a recipe I'd use canned.
Well, no more! Every month or two (more often in the summer when we're craving fresh fruit) I grab a pineapple when they're on sale ($2.99 in my store). It tastes a lot better and you get more bang for your buck!

My tip for fresh fruits and vegetables is to "process" them as soon as you get home from the grocery store, after you've put away the other items. Wash them, and if necessary, cut and peel them. This makes you more likely to grab and eat fruits and veggies because it's convenient and quick! Plus you get it all out of the way
once and only one cutting board and knife wash!

First, grab the leafy top of the pineapple securely and
twist, just like you're opening a stubborn jar. It should pop cleanly off! (Apparently you can save the top and sprout it to grow, but I'm not a gardener so have never attempted.)

Next I slice the pineapple into quarters for easier handling.

Lob off the leafy ends of each quarter. This is important because you are creating a flat surface to cut on.

Stand each quarter up on it's
now flat base and cut the point off where the tough core is.

Now turn the quarter and slice off the exterior skin of the pineapple. I can usually do this in two knife movements, but sometimes go back to clean up areas that were missed.

You should have a cored and skinned quarter of a pineapple now. Lay it flat on your cutting board and cut into 1/2" slices, or your preference of thickness (TWSS). *giggle*

As you're done cutting each quarter deposit these slices into an airtight container for easy storage.

Voila! You've cut a fresh pineapple in just a few minutes. Depending on size, I'm usually awarded with about 4 cups of fruit.

Johnny and I enjoy munching on the slices as a side to breakfast or lunch, a light snack, or dessert after dinner. Since the fruit has already been processed and is in an easily accessible container it's a cinch to grab when the mood strikes!
Miss Spiceaholic at
Spice's Bites has awarded me with the Beautiful Blogger award! Thank you!

I have to list 7 facts about myself and then tag 7 other bloggers.
1) I'm currently enrolled in school again, going for my Bachelor's in Hospitality and Tourism. My plan is to open an Inn with a small restaurant that serves breakfast and lunch. I want some hens and pigs and a large garden. The garden and hen's eggs will supply the restaurant and any scraps accumulated will become pig slop or compost for fertilizer!
2) You already know I don't like mushrooms or raw tomatoes, but another disliked food is
raw oysters. Ugh, their texture is like swallowing a big loogie!
3) I haven't had my hair cut by a professional since 2001 or 2002. My mom, aunt, or Johnny trim it for me every once in awhile and I'll thin it with thinning shears. Twice I've gotten bored and cut it myself - last time was 2006 and I donated 14" to
Wigs for Kids! I just don't trust salons anymore because they
don't listen and never know how to treat my curly hair.
4) I don't have a birthmark.
5) I've never gotten an F, I'd probably have a nervous breakdown if I did.
6) I've never been to a tanning bed and the thought freaks me out. I think of them as being enclosed in a glowing coffin.
7) I don't know how to drive stick, but fantasize learning (among other things) so I can be prepared for
The Amazing Race.
Instead of tagging 7 bloggers I'm going to tag each of you to leave one fact about yourselves in the comments!