I have some yummy Mexican treats coming your way in the next couple posts, but in the meantime here are some updates.

About two weeks ago I won
Mara's giveaway and received my package yesterday! Two cans of Progresso soup, a big soup mug/bowl, and an electronic counting jump rope! Thanks again, Mara!

Remember my
Musselmann's basket I got
last week? A few of you expressed interests in hearing my feedback. So far Johnny and I polished off the natural, no sugar added apple sauce tub (the pink one on the left) in
one sitting. It was really delicious and fresh, like taking bites out of an apple. I have to admit I was nervous about the no sugar added aspect because a few summers ago my cousins were eating an all natural apple sauce that was disgusting. But it was a granny apple one, so it was really tart and bitter, this
was not!
I only have one container left of the Healthy picks blueberry and pomegranate, no sugar added apple sauce. It's also very good, tastes more blueberry than pomegranate and has a thicker texture than normal applesauce. I saw a tip on Musselmann's facebook page to freeze these little guys for a slushy summertime treat and I'm definitely going to give that a try, it'd be perfect.
I've had the Totally Fruit peach one, which is naturally flavored with peach juice. This was good, but not my favorite. The texture was very smooth, almost like baby food's consistency.
Last, I used the cherry pie filling to make a
dessert Friday night while we had company for dinner. The next night Johnny split the remains into two servings and reheated slightly in the microwave.
Heart n Soul Cooking gave me the Happy 101 blog award! I have to list 10 things that make me happy and then 10 bloggers that brighten my day!
1) Johnny! Not to be overly gushy, but he really is the best. Just like
Biz and Tony, we met online! He is a web developer and in February 2006 I joined a web site that he ran and we met on the message boards. We emailed back and forth immediately, finding a lot in common and eventually started talking on the phone. In August I dumped my then boyfriend because I'd realized I liked Johnny more than him and in September Johnny flew out to meet me (I was living in Prince Edward Island, Canada at the time). He stayed a week and him leaving was one of the worst days I've ever lived. We didn't last one month apart! In October he flew back to help me pack up Corky, Poe, and my stuff into the back of my Jeep and we drove 26 hours here to Chicagoland where I've lived with him since!
2) My family! It took me awhile to appreciate them because we all have really strong personalities and are stubborn and butt heads. Both sides of my family are very large - my mom has 4 siblings and my dad has 5. This equals a LOT of cousins and extended family, which I was lucky enough to grow up really close to. Sunday dinners usually included at least 20 people. We're spread around the country now, but a lot of them I still do get to see at least once a year.
3) Corky and Poe. Seriously, I have the best pets in the world.
4) YOU! I love being a food blogger and I love our little community. You guys are some great friends.
5) Cooking. When I started this blog I thought I was a pretty good home cook because I'd been cooking for years and had a lot of recipes down pat. Since then I've become a lot more adventurous and you have inspired me with your recipes, making it much more of a creative outlet for me!
6) Books! I love reading and when I am in the mood - watch out because I will read a 300 page novel in 4 or 5 hours.
7) Board games. I love board games and thankfully so does Johnny and his family. My favorites include Balderdash, Scattergories, Monopoly, Hoopla, Stratego, and old-fashioned favorites like Connect 4 and checkers. (We also love card games too, specifically Rummy!)
8) Photos. Thank God Johnny is a web developer and has server room to spare. I love photographs and surround myself by framed pictures of loved ones.
9) Summer! A Chicago summer is nothing like a summer growing up on the coast of North Carolina, but it's still a great time of year. I'll always be biased towards summer because of where I grew up, nothing can compare!
10) TV/Movies/Music. My favorites of all of these always make me happy. Favorite TV show of all time is
Firefly, favorite movie of all time is
Breakfast at Tiffany's, and favorite band is Green Day!
And finally, the 10 bloggers that
light up my day are:
Biz at
Biggest Diabetic LoserSophia of
Burp & Slurp~Laura at
Hey What's for Dinner, Mom?Allie at
Live Laugh EatMichelle of
Lucky Taste BudsSarah at
No Whey, MamaAlisa at
One Frugal FoodieAmy of
Please Don't Eat Me!Cyndi of
So Much More Than a MomMara of
What's for Dinner?