Thank you, past and present veterans for your services, bravery, commitment, honor, heroism, and in some cases, your lives, in keeping America and her citizens safe and free!
This past June Johnny and I went with some other family members to a memorial of the 65th anniversary of D-Day. There were 250 WWII veterans there, including over 50 who were on the beach in Normandy during D-Day. Many wore their uniforms, a lot were in wheelchairs, but all held their heads up high and just nodded a quick, modest acknowledgement if you thanked them for their services. During the raising of the colors and singing of the national anthem, all of them, even the wheelchair bound, stood and put their hands on their hearts, or saluted. I had never seen anything like it, and it brought tears to my eyes then and now, remembering it. If you ever have a chance to experience something like that, visit a memorial, visit a museum, or even talk to a relative that's a veteran, I highly suggest it. I will never look at Veteran's Day or Memorial Day in the same light for the rest of my life.
(The above picture is a portion of the crowd bowing their heads in prayer and remembrance as a 92 year old chaplain and D-Day veteran speaks.)

I posted this dish way back when I started the blog, but I rambled on forever and didn't even post any pics! Bad food blogger!
This is a stand-by favorite in our house. We have it maybe once or twice a month.
1 cup white rice
2 cups water
1 cup salsa of choice (we use Newman's Own)
1 cup frozen corn kernels
1 can black beans, drained
toppings of choice
In a medium pot add the rice and water (you could substitute quinoa, which I've done before). Bring to a boil, stir, and reduce to simmer, covered. Set the timer for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, stir in the salsa, corn, and black beans. Turn the heat up just a hair, return the lid, and set the timer for another 10 minutes.

That's nice of you to remember the Veteran's today. My kids actually had last Friday off for it? Don't you think that's weird? I guess they just wanted to have a long weekend!
I love your dish, I might make that for my lunches next week, how easy AND healthy!
I got a crazy craving for rice and beans now!! With avocado!? YUM!!
Girl, I think you've got more cheese than rice there in that bowl...and I LOVE THAT!!! You must have had ME in mind when you made that, lol! ;-) I'm so narcissistic, aren't I?
hahaha what can I say? I'm a cheese whore!
As I was taking the picture I did see it through somebody else's eyes and think "oh God I hope this doesn't make me embarrass myself" hehe
OMG!!!! thats my fav kind of "throw together" meal!!! rice and beans.. you know you love them!!
re your comment on my blog about storytelling.. that is OLIVIA to a T! hahaha.. she starts talking and talking.. and i cant help it my eyes kind of glaze over. tee-hee. i hope she isnt scarred for life over that!
OMG, all you needed was giant fritos to dip it up - and of course, each bite I would take would be sprinkled liberally with Tabasco! :D
Nice and simple and always good.
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