Friday, October 23, 2009

Birthday Giveaway

The wonderful Alisa of One Frugal Foodie and GoDairyFree.Org was generous and sweet enough to offer not one, but two cookbooks for a dairy free giveaway here at Dinner at Christina's!

While I don't have to cook completely dairy free due to Johnny's whey allergy, I do often incorporate dairy free and vegan dishes and ingredients into our diet for convenience and guarantee. I really appreciate healthy, tasty recipes that both of us can eat and enjoy, without feeling like we're missing out on anything! If you want that too - then you're at the right place!

Up for grabs is Alisa's cookbook, Go Dairy Free: The Guide and Cookbook for Milk Allergies, Lactose Intolerance, and Casein-Free Living

Also available to snag is the full color My Sweet Vegan: passionate about dessert cookbook, guaranteed to satisfy every sweet tooth you might have!

There are three ways to enter the giveaway:

Entry 1: Leave a comment below. Need something to talk about?! Tell me what your birthday is, since today is mine!

Entry 2: Re-blog, linking back to this post, and leave a 2nd comment below telling me you've done so!

Entry 3: Tweet the giveaway, linking back to this post, and leave a 3rd comment below telling me you've done so!

Contest will run through Friday, October 30th. I will select the winner using a random number generator and announce the lucky winner Saturday, October 31st! All anonymous commenters, please leave a way for me to get in contact with you!

Now onto my birthday... which I often try to name as my favorite holiday, until people remind me that it isn't a holiday. It is in my head at least!

A few years ago my mom copied some pages from my baby album to mail to me. I think it's pretty neat to look back on. Her water broke October 20th, but she didn't have contractions, so they put a fetal monitor on her. Late October 22nd the real contractions kicked in! After driving an hour in rainy weather, my parents arrived at the hospital and I was born 6 hours later, at 3:12 am, October 23rd, 1984.

Here are some first comments of some of my relatives after seeing me that my mom wrote down:

Maternal Grandma: "She has long fingers, arms, legs, toes. She's going to be like Carrie" (Carrie is my aunt and it's true - here's the two of us!)

December 2008

Aunt Heather: "It's a good thing she doesn't look like you" (Said to my mom, but we eventually did start to look a lot alike!)

April 2008

Aunt Carrie: "I hope you don't teach her piano lessons" (My mom is a piano teacher, and yes indeed I was taught piano for many years!)

Summer 2000

Here are some pictures of mine for you guys to giggle over:

2 months old

2 years old

Between 2 and 3 years old with my cousin Anne-Marie

3 years old with my cousin Anne-Marie

4 years old with my little brother and his bandaged finger

First Communion, 7 years old

12 years old (is it me or Fran Drescher!?)

I think maybe 13? Again, with my cousin Anne-Marie (why are you in all my pics!?)

Last year's birthday (24) riding horses with Johnny

Johnny's treating me to lunch at Sabor do Brasil, one of my favorites! It's a Brazillian style steakhouse, complete with gauchos coming around with skewers of grilled meats. Their salad bar to die for, too!

Later tonight I'm cashing in my Free noble birthday fellowship ticket to cheer on some knights and eat my heart out at Medieval Times!


Anonymous said...

Tee hee hee hee heeee! I'm about to go to class, but I saw you tweet and had to come over to say Happy Birthday, and then I saw the pictures and that just about made my day!!! ahhh hahahahaha! Love you, Christina! And I sent a card to you yesterday, but you should receive it tomorrow, hopefully! Sorry, it's a bit late!! >.<

Happy birthday, and I hope you get the most gignormous cake ever! If not, at least a great big hug and kiss sent virtually your way!!!! <3<3

Nowheymama said...

Happy Birthday! You and my sister are the same age!

I am not here to enter, as I own both of these wonderful books, but I am here to encourage others to try to win them!

Allison said...

Fun giveaway! Happy Birthday! mine's not until Feb :)

LizNoVeggieGirl said...


Mine is April 6th :)

Alisa - Frugal Foodie said...

Mine is October 3rd, but you knew that! I just wanted to pop in and say happy birthday and I love the pictures! Have delicious fun at the steakhouse!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday

Kelly said...

Happy birthday! Those are adorable photos, by the way.

Mine is March 15th. :)

Michelle said...

Yayyy! Happy birthday Christina!!! :) Hmm I wouldn't say there was much to eat your heart out at Medieval times, but I can say that they have darn good alcoholic drinks. heheheh

I love cook books but unfortunately only have 3 and they're all Chinese ones!!

Have fun tonight!!!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday!


nottryingforaboy said...

Happy Birthday!

If I don't win them (hint, hint) I think I'll have to buy those books. My 2 year old doesn't seem to be growing out of her allergies any time soon.

(just in case, my blog is kind of dead, but my contact info should still work.)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! it was fun to see all your pictures from childhood. I took mine out yesterday too. My Birthday is 12/24.
And yes, I miss out a bit. But once you get to 30 it doesn't really matter as much.
I would love to win the dairy free book, because I just discovered that I have to go dairy free as well as gluten free.
Oh My!

sweetheartz said...

Happy Birthday! Mine is March 31.

IlanaWrites said...

Well Happy Birthday! Mines the 19th of January!

nora said...

Thanks for doing the giveaway! Hope your bday was a happy one and adorable photos!!

nora said...

Here's my Twitter shout-out!

Sara Thompson said...

Happy birthday! I just turned 30 last month. Love the photos!!

Anonymous said...

My birthday is january 29, 1980. Happy birthday to you!!!

Raeline said...

Happy Birthday Girl! My birthday is in less than 2 weeks on November 2nd! Have a great Birthday!

Mandy V said...

Happy Birthday....mine is June 27!!!

Amy & Loren said...

Happy Birthday, Sweetie! Loren's Lacrosse teacher is big into Chineese medicine & is an accupunturist. She has been preaching the evils of dairy. She would be proud of these books. LEW made her own birthday big cookie & decorated it. She loves to cook. SHe may be following after you & Michael's love of cooking. LEW's birthday is in a few days, too. She isn't here, but we were talking about your birthday day b4 yesterday. She remembered!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday! You're so cute on all that pictures :) specially the ones when you're just a cute kid :)
Mine is on April 16th.

jenn@slim-shoppin said...

Happy Birthday Christina!!

Loved the pics!

Those cookbooks look great!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Christina! I was so busy at work yesterday, I tried a couple times to leave a message and by the time I got home I forgot :(

I love the picture of you when you were 12 - so glam! :D

Hope you had a great day yesterday!

mommy said...

Happy Birthday!
25 years ago your Father & I waited impatiently for our first child. You made our dreams come true and continue to do so!
Love Mommy & Daddy

How about an idea for a Halloween cake that children would actually want to eat, instead of freaked-out by the grotesque things hanging from it!? The ugly, weird, wiggly stuff I save for touching with blind folds on:)

Rebeca said...

Happy Birthday!

I bookmarked your Freezer Meat Challenge post ages ago, and today decided to click on your homepage... I'm desperate for my sweet vegan :)

P.S. my birthday is march 24th :)

Mary said...

Happy birthday!
Mine is september 20.

Laura E said...

Happy Birthday! Mine's September 9 and it was pretty sweet this year that it was 09/09/09! Thanks for the opportunity.

Anonymous said...

Happy belated birthday! My mom had a similar birth story for me, except driving the hour in the rain--but I was also born at 3:12am!
::fingers crossed for the cookbooks!:: ;)

The Atheist Cartographer said...

Happy birthday! Those are quite some pictures!

Lauren said...

Happy Birthday! I think birthdays should be celebrated as a holiday :).

Lisa -- Cravin' Veggies said...

Happy birthday!! My birthday was also on Friday...! Hope you had a great b-day weekend!

Lisa -- Cravin' Veggies said...

tweeted as well

@cravinveggies said...

Happy belated birthday! My birthday is in January. I live in the UK and always spend my birthday in the UK, apart from one year when I spent it in Australia. Enjoying hot weather on my birthday for the first time was an experience!

Happy Vegan Lady

Libby said...

Happy Birthday! My birthday is on Halloween, actually, so this would be a great surprise present if I get picked then!

Unknown said...

Happy belated Birthday! Mine's exactly a month earlier than yours- Sept. 23. The photos of you growing up are so cute!

Eve Love said...

well happy birthday!
so nice of you to give present!
i wish i could win one of those books.

Queen said...

Happy belated birthday! I agree that it is nice of you to give presents to celebrate your holiday :)

Anonymous said...

Hello, I found this blog and contest through BitterSweet blog, and my b-day is May 21. Thanks,
Reece reeceaxl AT gmail DOT com

Trista Hill said...

Happy Belated Birthday! My brother's birthday is this time of year, too, and for that reason it's my favorite season. Hope you had a great one!

Micco said...

Happy belated birthday! My birthday is the day after Christmas. Wooooo.

And I expect that autographed photo by next Monday, missy.

Hayley said...

Happy birthday! Mine is April 25, so today is my half-birthday!

heshanks at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

How awesome! Your birthday is the day after mine =)
Hope it was great.....

Lis said...

Hope you are a having a fun-tasting birthday.

Mine's on November 24, so still to come for this year!

Lis said...

fun-tastic! can't type properly it seems! ANyhow, hope you had a good one.

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday! Hope you have a great one :-)

Em said...

Have a great birthday! Love the baby pictures!

CPNC said...

Happy late Birthday to you! Those kiddie pics are beyond cute. Thanks for the chance to win!

radioactivegan said...

Well, my birthday is April 4th. It'd be pretty awesome to get such a sweet gift :)

Happy Birthday!

radioactivegan said...

Oh, and I posted on my blog about your giveaway
Thanks! :)

*Autumn Tao* said...

Happy belated Birthday. Mine is April 16th, and my husband's is April 16th too... he's exactly one year older than me. It's like a holiday every year!

HeyitsBeth said...

Happy Berfday! Mine is March 30th, and it's fallen on Easter Sunday twice.

Jill said...

cute pics! and happy birthday! mine is in one month, on Nov 22. I turn 34- ack!

Linda said...

happy birthday to another scorpio!

my birthday is on oct. 28th, just a few days from now.

Linda said...

Just posted on my blog about your giveaway. Thank you for offering!

Linda said...

from @lindaole

: 0 )

Maggie said...

Happy (late) birthday! Mine is Sept 15 (I'm 23).

I already have Go Dairy Free (love) but I'd love to win My Sweet Vegan!

Crystal said...

Happy Birthday! How sweet of you to offer us presents on your special day.

Jen Treehugger said...

Happy Happy Birthday!
My Birthday isn't long gone - September 1st.

Unknown said...

happy birthday!!! love the photo montage :) my bday was aug 4

Michelle said...

Happy Birthday... mine is Nov 23rd
i am a vegetarian and making small steps towards being vegan...

Alicia said...

happy birthday! tomorrow is mine :D

Sarah S. said...

Happy Birthday! Very sweet of you to give things away on *your* birthday :) My birthday is March 22.

Lea said...

happy bday!!!

those cookbooks look awesome.

slb3334 said...

Mine is December 17th. Happy birthday. I would love these cookbooks.

Anonymous said...

hope you had a nice birthday. mine is november 23rd. would love to win the cookbooks they look great.

jacquieastemborski @ comcast DOT net

HD said...


Mine is May 31, but my boyfriend's is coming up and it'd be great to make him something from the cookbook!

Kelly said...

My birthday is June 7th! and I really want those cook books haha

Unknown said...

Have a fun b-day. Brazilian food sounds mouth-watering enjoy! The cookbook would be great to learn some new recipes for my lactose free eating child.


jesskaufman at hotmail dot com

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

I'd love a dairy free/vegan cookbook! I have severe lactose intolerance so either would be awesome. and my daughter has an allergy to milk protein--among many others! B-day? May 6th.

AJ said...

Happy Bday! I would live to win the my sweet vegan book, as I am a vego pushing to go totally dairy free. Im a January Capricorn! 15th to be precise

megs said...

Happy belated birthday! I'm pretty sure my 12th birthday was spent glamming up like yours was.

I'm December 3rd. yay!

Hope said...

Happy birthday! Mine is September 8th. It was *always* the first day of school. Lame.

Couture Lady said...

Cute baby pictures. Mine is MAY 16.

Thanks for the giveaway. My sweet Vegan desserts look yum.

Oraphan said...

Happy Birthday! My birthday is April 2.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! Mine is Jan. 23. Your pics are cute. And we have the same name!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday and thanks for the giveaway! I could do with some more vegan recipes under my belt!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the giveaway! :O)

caytib said...

Happy birthday to you! It's almost my half-birthday! October 29th I'll be dfja and a half! Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! Mine is February 16th, and I'll turn twenty-one! (whoot whoot!) What's even better? February 16th is MARDI GRAS this year... which is going to be epic!!...


Suburban prep said...

My birthday was last month.
The person I'd love to win this for is 6 and her birthdy is April 22. She is my niece and for quite some time we were unaware of the fact that she was lactose intolerant. She deals with it now but sometimes is not too happy when she sees others eating ice cream and she can not and it is hot out.

divrchk said...

Happy Birthday! Mine is August 14th!

lou said...

happy birthday...kenny rogers and i were born on aug 21st!!

chromiumman said...

happy birthday!

mine's in march

Vegan Wheekers said...

Wishing an awesome birthday for an awesome girl!

Josiane said...

Happy belated birthday! I hope you had a wonderful day.
I totally consider my birthday to be a holiday, too! Well, it's on Christmas Eve, so that's close enough!

Josiane said...

I've tweeted your giveaway:

Janel said...

Happy birthday! Your birthday most certainly IS a holiday. I love when people celebrate their birthdays loud and proud. Why not? You only get one a year! Mine is March 5 and Seeing that it's almost November, that means I've been mentally planning my next birthday for ohhhhh, 2 months or so. Live it up! Have a good one.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!
My birthday is March 22 which makes me an Aries and normally I wouldn't believe that stuff but it's true I love a "challenge", am stubborn and go head to head when dealing with conflict. I'm also a natural leader.

I don't do much for my birthday. A quiet celebration is all I need oh, and a quick call to my mom 'cause she did all that work many years ago!

Have a great birthday!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday and thanks for the contest! My birthday is May 6th :)

I live in Kentucky so my birthday always falls around the Derby (sometimes right on it) plus it's right before Mother's Day so the celebrating goes on for at least a week, ha ha.

Anonymous said...

Just tweeted @SeeSarahEat


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!

Mine was August 28th

Anonymous said...

I blogged about your giveaway:

Anonymous said...

I also tweeted about it @cookveganlover

Anonymous said...

also you can contact me at


Melissa said...

My birthday isn't until January 24, but I'm turning 31 which is crazy. We are a new dairy free family and could use some help cooking. Those books are great.

Melissa said...

I tweeted:

Elizabeth Jarrard said...

awhhhh those pictures are adorable!!
my birthday is nov 20-the big 2-1!!!
thanks for hosting a great giveaway!

Elizabeth Jarrard said...

and i tweeted from @ellie88

Leslie Richman said...

Happy Birthday! Mine is all the way in July!!

Leslie Richman said...

I added your giveaway to my blog :)

Leslie Richman said...

I retweeted :)

Amber McDonald said...

Happy Birthday!

My birthday is 8/27/79.


SCC 90 20th reunion committee said...

Happy B-day. Mine is in June.

Jen said...

Happy Birthday. Mine isn't until March.

Katelyn Sack said...

LOL. Happy Birthday! Cooking vegan is supposed to be one of the best ways to have more of those "favorite holidays," so thanks for the neat giveaway. :)

Anonymous said...

Just blogged about the giveaway! :)

Hallie said...

Love the photos! My birthday is May 6...hope yours is fantastic!!

@Greenbean7 said...

Happy Birthday! I love the "watch me grow up" pics!

Rachel H said...

Happy birthday! Mine is December 8.

Kristi B. said...

Happy Birthday! We are new to living with allergies (dairy and peanut) so these cookbooks would be quite a blessing to our family!

Jessica said...

Happy Birthday. Mine is January 13. :)

camalex1 said...

Hap-Py Birthday. Great pix btw. My bd is the same as Hitler's April 20, just try living that down!

Unknown said...

Happy B-day!!
my birthday is not till may..
great giveaway.. i really need some cookbooks as we found out 2 members of my family are lactose and gluten intolerant


Nichole said...

Happy Belated Birthday!

Mine is May 29th.

Catanyna said...

Happy belated:) Hope it was veg-tastic! Mine is in August, and is always filled with vegan goodies:)

mscoffee77 said...

I would love to win! Our son is on a completely dairy free diet(as well as gluten) so these cookbook swould help me make new things for him:)


Lovlie said...

Happy Birthday! I would love to have those books! Haven't bought any of them yet.

Nichole said...

I made a post all about giveaways and linked to yours.


Grace said...

Happy Happy to you!
I will be 40 on my next bday.....oh no.

my 6 yr old is allergic to milk so these books would be GREAT--

Lo said...

happy birthday and awesome giveaway! mine is next february so i have awhile til I am 23 :) eeek!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! I am super excited about both of those books, my birthday is May 12th!

Anonymous said...

Happy bday! Mine's march second! -monica

Allie (Live Laugh Eat) said...

What precious photos!!!! My birthday is in March! Not for awhile :( These cookbooks look amazing--I'm not allergic to dairy but I love allergy recipes!! Probably because I have so many!!

Daniel M said...

happy bday, mines march 13 - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com

Flora Frock and Fauna said...

Happy happiest! As adults, don't we all wish we could pose so unabashedly naked as your 2-yr-old photo?!! The sheer joy and freedom of youth;-)
Let's all try to hang on to that sentiment today...

newsie15 said...

Well, happy birthday! My birthday is April 2, so I have awhile. I love the month of October.
AND I love these cookbooks! They look delicious and exciting!
Here is a way to contact me: bfeh0402(at)gmail(dot)com


vividchord said...

Hope you had a happy birthday! Mine is the 4th of July.

krista said...

happy bday! i am a gemini --May 29th!

Dorene said...

Happy Birthday!
Mine is Feb 3rd. I will be in Turks & Caicos my next birthday. Cannot wait. Just a little nervous because it will be the first time we will be traveling to a resort w/ milk allergic son.

K. Rock said...

Happy b-day to you. Mine is August 5th.

@busymomto5 said...

happy birthday to you!
On my birthday everyone gets free slurpees!
I would love to win these cookbooks, my husband is a new vegan and I need some new recipe ideas!

Unknown said...

HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY! It is always so interesting to see pictures of people as they grow up. I recently got a scrapbook of all of my pictures growing up and it is amazing how similar our adult personas are to our childhood. I loved looking through your history.

I am excited about these cookbooks! I hope I have a good chance to win.

I hope you enjoy your birthday month!

Chef Amber Shea said...

Mine's July 10th :]

Melissa said...

Happy Birthday! Mine is coming soon, November 9th!

xmeliss182x (at) yahoo (dot) com

misternat1 said...

jusr read the china study abd want to give the lifestyle a shot

Jessie (Vegan-minded) said...

Happy birthday! Mine is February 3rd ;)

BurningMind said...

Hello! I would LOVE to enter your contest. I have just been told I have Celiac disease last month, and am learning how to cook all over again!
My name is Jeanette Kahle at
Look foreward to hearing from you!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! Is it bad that I vividly recall 1984? My day isn't until December 2nd, but I agree - celebrate it like a holiday. It only comes once a year!

Heather B said...

Happy Birthday, mine is December 16th

the perpetual optimist said...

Happy Birthday! How fun :)

These cookbooks look great!

Thanks for the give away :)

Freddie said...

oh- very cool! And happy belated birthday! Mine is June 24th :)

erma said...

My b-day is next month.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! My egg and dairy allergic son would LOVE to add these books to his collection (okay, to my collection, but he will get them someday!)
Enjoy your day!

rb109972 said...

happy b-day mine is in jan

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday, mine is in July. (contact@.

Jen V said...

Happy Birthday! I Hope you have a wonderful day. Mine is in February.
As a side note, I had to smile at the Polaroid with the balloon border. I have some photos around here like that. I did so love my Polaroid camera!

Jen V said...


Re said...

Happy Birthday to ya! I hope you enjoy your special day!

Keep upthe great work on this kickass blog!

Nickolay said...

Happy Birthday! Mine is January 21st!


Erica said...

Wow! A blog about cooking without dairy! Awesome, my 11 year old daughter is still allergic to milk and I'm thrilled to have a new reference for cooking. Thanks so much!!! Erica Clark

Melodic Mom said...

Hope your b-day was good. Thank you for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Happy Belated Nativity Day. Mine was in August.

theprophecygirl said...

I hope your birthday was a happy one. Best wishes! theprophecygirl at hotmail dot com

Gabriel S-J. said...

Happy Birthday! Mine was last month!

Hotsnotty2 said...

Happy Birthday!!! Mine if Feb. 1st, thanks!

cman said...

I'm up late because this is the only time I can get anything done LOL

Jinxy and Me said...

Happy birthday! Mine was in July.

Pam said...

What cute photo's!

Happy Birthday belated! My husband's was friday also!

My BD was October 13.


Pam said...

Linking back:

dvice12 said...

Happy birthday! Mine is May 13.

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday. My birthday is April 27. Thanks for the giveaways.

Gina said...

Happy belated birthday!
Mine is October 12, but this year I spent it in Chem Lab, no fun at all!

/\Heather/\ said...

I tell ya what! It's hard being a libra. You can't make decisions easily. Everything has to be weighed and analyzed.

annalene said...

happy birthday! so sweet of you to share something with your readers for your b-day. i hadn't heard of these books before, but they sound really great & one can never have to many vegan cookbooks!

thank you (and alisa) for the great giveaway!

Annabel said...

I hope it's not too late to enter! My b-day is Nov. 11 ... oh lookie it's coming up! ;)

Annabel said...

And i posted about it here!

5webs said...

My birthday is May 24th, and I'll be 41. I want a gift card to Anthropologie (just in case my hubby reads this)
Alicia Webster

Faye Smith said...

I would LOVE to win these cookbooks!! I'm very new to this type of cooking. I've just went vegetarian and dairy free in the last few weeks. I've mostly been juicing and eating raw foods. I have still been eating some rice and pasta though. I'm trying to learn all I can. Thank you so much for this awesome give away!

Faye Smith said...

I have also just retweeted the contest. Thank you for this chance to win these awesome cookbooks. And ... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Junghwa said...

happy birthday!
mine is may 20th!